In only 30 seconds, television ads are becoming a harder form of communication as an effective marketing tool. Television advertisement is not an easy task; companies need to convey a message to their potential client base and hopefully gain increased consumption of their products and services.
Neuromarketing is a new marketing tool used to measure consumer's brain waves, eye-tracking, and skin responsiveness to determine what a consumer is thinking. In addition to understanding external consumption behaviors, marketing is evolving to include study effects on individuals' sub-conscience. Many scientists are persuaded this new technology will change the way organizations conduct marketing research in the future.
After purchasing the machine for over "$5 million," one might first ask if neuromarketing can accurately understand "
consumer's propensity to purchase?" Accurate tests on brain waves might be beneficial to some, but neuromarketing fails to address cultural differences among individuals. A person's background, financial status, and environmental upbringing are never included in this research tool. Another question one must consider is if neuromarketing will be seen as a manipulative instrument used to control consumer's purchasing power. If organizations can accurately understand your psyche and persuade television ads without you knowing, couldn't that be considered brainwashing and even obtrusive? I thought this was a free market, where consumers had a choice in what they buy.
Even though we live in a highly technological age, where change is expected, the best approach to marketing might just be first knowing your client base and then using traditional marketing tools that have proven to be effective in the past.